fredag 14 maj 2010

Creative Writing Workshop and Spring Literary Festival in Uppsala


Welcome you all to the May series of workshops on May 26 and 27. During this series, we will have four guest authors Jasim Mohamed, Jonas Modig, Maria Modig and Henrik C. Enbohm. I am herewith sending you the short presentations on their biographies as well.

Participants are also invited to read their poem/text during the Spring Literary Festival afterwards the workshop on May 27.

The topics will be as follows:

May 26, 2010: Wednesday ( 17.30-19.30)

Jasim Mohamed: The state of Arabic poetry

Anisur Rahman
: Finding the way to get into dramatic writing/Career in theatre

May 27, 2010: Thursday (17.30-18.30: workshops/18.30-20.00: festival)

Jonas Modig: His own world of poetry

Maria Modig: Self censorship in writing

Henrik C. Enbohm: International perspectives of literature reflecting on his visit to Bangladesh, participation in poetry festival and celebration of International Mother Language Day in Dhaka in 2007

Jasim Mohamed, svensk-irakisk poet och översättare, skriver på både svenska och arabiskagett ut bl.a. diktsamlingen : Övningar in i ett annat språk.

Jonas Modig läser av sin omgivning med stor känslighet. Han är en poet som vill tala till sina läsare, om upplevelser, erfarenheter och intryck. Detta är centrallyrik av allra bästa märke. Radfall knyter på många sätt an till Jonas förra diktsamling Annandagar (2007), där han skrev om en av hans söner som dog i tsunamin och sorgearbetet efteråt. Allvaret och det klara tonfallet är detsamma i Radfall, men ämnena är annorlunda, cirklarna är vidare.

Maria Modig, a writer born in 1945, has published three novels during the late 1990s. After 50 she decided to take the risk to write fiction…that is a choice of changing perspectives perhaps…
She still gives lectures and sometimes write articles for magazines but most of the time I read or write. She is now working on her fourth novel and that seems to take some time…In the meantime, she has been writing notes for a reflection book together with Jonas Modig which was be published 2005 and also the latest published books: Skiljetecken 2008, Bokförlaget Langenskiöld 2008 and Att vara med barnbarn 2009 Hjalmarson & Högberg 2009.

Henrik C. Enbohm, a poet, journalist literary and art critic, is currently International Secretary of The Swedish Writers’ Union. He also edits union’s magazine Författaren. He was assisting director to the Writers’ and Literary Translators’ Congress---WALTIC 2008 in Stockholm. He was also a member in the editorial board of 10tal, a literary magazine.

Venue: Uppsala City Library

Program Leader

Anisur Rahman
ICORN Guest Author in Uppsala
Cell: 0700 255 039

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